History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Study the correlation between HAMP gene polymorphism (582A/G) and beta thalassemia in Kirkuk city

Rajaa Mosa Ismail
Biology Dept.College of Education for Pure Science, Kirkuk University, Iraq.
Ektifa Abdul Hamid Muhammad
Biology Dept., College of Education for Girls,Tikrit University, Iraq.


The current study aimed to Study the correlation between HAMP gene polymorphism (-582A/G) and beta thalassemia. 150 subjects with thalassemia were taken from both Azadi Teaching Hospital and Al Jumhuri Hospital from November 2021 to April 2022. The experimental work was carried out in private laboratories in Kirkuk, Iraq. The volunteers in the current study were divided as follows: 50 healthy volunteers as a control group. 150 thalassemia patients as a second group. The results of Polymorphism of the hepcidin gene (HAMP) in patients with anemia of CKD showed that the AA allele was 68 (68%), the AG allele 21 (21%) and the GG allele was 11 (11%) in 100 patients, in While in the group of healthy people, the percentage of the AA allele was 37 (76%), the percentage of the AG allele was 12 (24%), and the percentage of the GG allele was 1 (2%), and thus the results showed that the A allele is more common in patients with anemia resulting from for chronic kidney disease.

Keywords: Beta thalassemia, HAMP gene polymorphism, hepecidin. ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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