History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Uses of Silver nanoparticles as an antibacterial against Klebsiella pneumonia isolate from different infection.

Ali A. AL-Muhana
Faculty of Biotechnology / University of Alkafeel/Iraq
Adil Ibadi AL-Luhaiby
Faculty of Science /University of Kufa/Iraq


Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesized from silver nitrate, and sodium borohydride and the structures were characterized using ultraviolet-visible. Scanning electron microscopy was also used to measure the dimensions of silver nanoparticles.  This cross-sectional study was performed on 250 clinical specimens collected from patients hospitalized/or attended to four major hospitals in Najaf city from October 2020 to February 2021. K. pneumoniae isolates identified by standard biochemical tests and confirmed by the VITEK-2 system that Klebsiella isolates (38 isolates) belong to Two species: K. pneumoniae (37 isolates), K. oxytoca (1 isolate . K. pneumoniae is isolated more frequently from urine, Wound, Burn, Sputum, Stool, Body fluids and Blood samples. Regarding the patient's gender, it was found that Females tended to get infections more than Males when 174(69.6%) of patients were females and 76(30.4%) Males. Moreover, the age group41-60 years were most subjected to the infection of K. pneumoniae. The demographic of the patients infected with K. pneumoniae (9.8%) were community-acquired (outpatients), while (22.4%) were hospitalized (inpatients). The synthesized AgNPs showed antibacterial activity against K. pneumoniae. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of AgNPs was achieved at 64 t0 128 (μg/ml)  when we used three types of antibiotic alone (Ampicillin/clovacillin , Amoxicillin  and  Amoxilline /cluvanic acid ) while MIC were 256 t0 < 512 (μg/ml)  but when we used AgNo3 alone but when we used a combination  of  three type of antibiotics with AgNo3 the MIC were 32 to 128 (μg/ml) . These results suggested that silver nanoparticles can be used as an effective antibacterial.

Keywords: AgNPs, K. pneumoniae, VITEK-2 , MIC , Amoxicillin ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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