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An Open Access Journal

Multimedia Learning Management to Improve the Life Skills Competencies of Package C Students (Descriptive Study at Pkbm Bina Insan Kamil)

Euis Suryaningsih
Universitas Islam Nusantara Bandung
Universitas Islam Nusantara Bandung
Supyan Sauri
Universitas Islam Nusantara Bandung
Nandang Koswara
Universitas Islam Nusantara Bandung


PKBM still faces the problem of tutors who are not linear and not yet graduates, students who come from diverse backgrounds, limited multimedia learning facilities and infrastructure. This has an influence on the low quality of PKBM graduates seen from the development of life skills competencies in multimedia learning. Related to this, this research was conducted to obtain an overview and analysis of planning, organizing, implementing, evaluating, supporting and inhibiting factors, and multimedia learning solutions to improve the life skills competencies of C package students at PKBM Bina Insan Kamil. This research uses management theory from George R. Terry. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection was done by interview, observation, and documentation study and data analysis by triangulation. The results showed that, 1) Planning, PKBM has conducted multimedia learning planning with the preparation of learning plans through modules that have been made, 2) Organizing, PKBM already has a good organizational structure with a clear division of tasks, 3) Implementation, PKBM has implemented multimedia learning as formal schools, 4) Evaluation, PKBM has carried out scheduled evaluations, either daily, monthly, or annually, 5) Supporting and inhibiting factors owned by PKBM are generally in the form of solid human resources that strengthen each other, while obstacles are generally still on limited computer and multimedia media, 6) The results of multimedia learning management at PKBM even with limited computer media do not dampen the results of students' knowledge and skills in multimedia, even students are ready to be recruited for work or become independent media entrepreneurs. In conclusion, in general PKBM has implemented management functions well in multimedia learning with good results even though there are one or more management functions that need to be optimized again because it will have an impact on increasing students' life skills.

Keywords: Management, PKBM, Life Skills, Multimedia Learning. ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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