History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

A study of the changes in phytate concentration and some parameters in men with oligospermia and azoospermia

Hussein Ali Nayyef NAYYEF
Ministry of Health- Iraq
Saddam Mohammed Abid
Ministry of health- Iraq
Ahmed Mohammed Ali ALI
The Ministry of Education- Iraq


In this study, we measure the effect of changes in phytic acid concentration with age, weight, and body mass of infertile men, to assess spermatogenesis and semen parameters. After conducting a statistical analysis of the results, the levels of phytic acid are checked. The total of the study samples was 105 (MP1 = 35, MP2 = 35, MC = 35). An association between phytic acids and body weight and body mass index has been investigated in infertile men. It has also been revealed that there is a connection between phytic acids and certain cellular tissues in the body. It appears that these phytic acids found in food have an effect on human sexual health and this study was able to indicate the risks associated with these changes. An association between phytic acids and body weight and body mass index has been investigated in infertile men. It has also been revealed that there is a connection between phytic acids and certain cellular tissues in the body. These phytic acids found in food appear to have an impact on human sexual health. The study found the direct effect of phytic acid on men, where the results indicated that phytic acid concentrations increased significantly in infertile people. Pearson's test was conducted in order to know the correlations between phytic acid and age, weight, and the rest of the study parameters, where the correlation between phytic acid and age was positive. There was a strong correlation with the total number of sperm, which leads us to conduct further study on the possible relationship between sperm count and phytic acid concentrations in infertile men.

Keywords: Keyword 1 Phytic acid Keyword 2 Sperm Keyword 3 Trace element Keyword 2 Active Sperm Keyword 2 Infertile ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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