History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Infertility among Infertile Couples in Mosul City

Abdulrahman Mazin Hashim
Department of Clinical Nursing Sciences, College of Nursing, University of Mousl, City of Mosul, Iraq
Hanady Jabbar Mahmood
Department of Clinical Nursing Sciences, College of Nursing, University of Mousl, City of Mosul, Iraq
Ahmed Mishaal Mohammed Salih
Department of Clinical Nursing Sciences, College of Nursing, University of Mousl, City of Mosul, Iraq


Objective: To assess the knowledge and attitude toward infertility among infertile couples. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional research design was implemented over a period lasting from October 5th, 2022, to December 25th, 2022. A total of 138 infertile couples were selected through simple random sampling, and interviews were conducted with couples who attended consulting clinics for the management and treatment of infertility in three hospitals in Mosul city using a questionnaire. Results: Study finding shows that (58%) of the couples who participated in the study had moderate pieces of knowledge about infertility, and (42%) they had inadequate knowledge, (60.9%) of the couples who participated in the study had a positive attitude, (36.2%) had a neutral attitude, and (2.9%) of them had a negative attitude toward infertility disease. Conclusion: Most of the couples who took part in the study had been married for more than five years, and over half of them had an average understanding of infertility and a positive attitude toward it.

Keywords: Infertility, knowledge, and attitude. ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

Founders of the journal

I.M. Sechenov

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