History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Model of Kiai Leadership at Boarding Schools that Manage Salaf and Khalaf Learning (Case Study at the Buntet Islamic Boarding School, Cirebon, West Java)

Farid Wajdi
Iim Wasliman
Ahmad Khori


This research is motivated by the weak management of Islamic boarding schools, limited human resources, infrastructure and limited budgets, length of study time and the number of outside cultural influences that are increasingly unstoppable. The existence of pesantren is inseparable from the role of the kiai as caretaker. In the context of pesantren leadership, kiai have an important and strategic role in the development of pesantren. Types of Islamic boarding school educational institutions, in general these educational institutions can be grouped into two types, namely Salaf (Traditional) and Khalaf (Modern). These two types affect the kiai's leadership model in managing learning in Islamic boarding schools. The challenge then is how the kiai's leadership model can deal with the ongoing changes and developments in education. How can learning in the Salaf and Khalaf Islamic boarding schools improve its quality through the kiai leadership model? This study generally aims to analyze the leadership model of the kiai in managing Islamic boarding schools, both Salaf and Khalaf. The specific aim is that this research will get an explanation of how the kiai's strategy is in developing the learning of Salaf and Khalaf Islamic Boarding Schools. Then from these results it is possible to compare the leadership model of the kiai in Islamic boarding schools of the Salaf and Khalaf so as to find one model of learning and management of both education. Therefore, the theory used in this study is Max Weber's leadership theory and George S. Counts' reconstructionism and the Six Value Systems initiated by Prof. Ahmad Sanusi. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analytic. Then the findings from this study are that the leadership of the kiai with an integrated personality is the main attraction for the santri in particular and members of the surrounding community. Santri and community members expect blessings, wisdom and ma'unah from the kiai. The kiai's leadership in organizing and managing the Buntet Islamic Boarding School shows responsibility and full attention, attractiveness and great influence for the santri. The attitude, behavior and actions of the kiai are observed, followed as an example and interpreted by the santri in the daily life of the Buntet Islamic Boarding School. The Buntet Islamic Boarding School manages Salaf learning with the sorogan, wetonan, kalaqah and Bahtsul Masa'il and Khalaf systems with a modern and innovative learning system. As a result, the conclusion is that the leadership model of the Buntet Islamic Boarding School kiai is charismatic-democratic and religious. This leadership model is very important and strategic. Kiai as a leader and determiner where with his influence and power can determine his steps and policies. The kiai's leadership model will determine the direction of development and progress of learning, whether salaf or khalaf.

Keywords: Leadership Model, Kiai, Salaf-Khalaf Learning ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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