History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Management of Development of Hard Skills and Soft Skills in Improving the Professional Competence of Madrasah Aliyah Teachers (Case Study at MA DDI Mangkoso and MA DDI At-Taufiq Barru Regency, South Sulawesi)

Chaira Saidah Yusrie
Ade Tutty R. Rosa
Supyan Sauri
Ida Tejawiani


The background of this research is the weak management of madrasah management, the absence of a clear and comprehensive policy framework regarding madrasa management, the number, quality and competence of teachers is still low and mismatched, facilities and infrastructure are still inadequate, and the conditions of madrasas are very varied. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of planning, organizing, implementing, evaluating, the impact of developing hard skills and soft skills in improving the professional competence of teachers in MA in Barru district. The theological basis used is Q.S Al-Isra 'verse 84, the philosophical basis uses the philosophy of constructivism, the theoretical basis discusses management and development theory. This study uses a qualitative approach and data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation studies, while the data sources through triangulation: Madrasah Principals and Teachers. The results showed: First, the development planning in the two madrasas used four stages, namely: analyzing the internal and external environment including government policies and local government policies, forming a teacher competency development team, compiling a draft development plan and then becoming a development plan document. Second, the organization of development in the two madrasas carried out four stages, namely, division of labor, work processes, delegation of authority and communication. Third, the implementation of development in both madrasas uses the reference of eight educational standards and the implementers of this competency development are teachers and school principals. The implementation plan is prepared by the teacher in the form of a syllabus and learning development plan that is adjusted to the time allocation. Fourth, the evaluation of the development of the two madrasas carried out several stages, namely: initial evaluation, evaluation of the plan, evaluation of the process, evaluation of learning outcomes, evaluation of the overall development program. Fifth, the impact of implementing teacher competency development is the existence of high independence and authority from teachers and school principals in compiling and implementing and evaluating teacher competency development programs, increasing the quality of graduates based on Islamic values and morality. The solution is to carry out coaching consciously, systematically and continuously to improve and develop the quality of the profession and the quality of teacher work so that through management the development of hard skills and soft skills can shape teachers to have critical, creative, collaborative and skilled ways of thinking, able to think critically in solving social problems that occur in society

Keywords: Management, Hard Skills and Soft Skills, Teacher Competence ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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