History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

The Teacher's Efforts in Improving Mobility Orientation Skill Through the Trailling Technique of Blind Children in Class Vii at Slbn Citeureup Cimahi City

Siti Rachmah
Lalu Giyan Muri Pratama
Riska Andini Fajarema
Siti Fitriliani
Wina Ayuni


The visually impaired are individuals who experience abnormalities in vision that cause a person to experience visual limitations. Blind people can face significant impacts in various aspects of life, both physical, emotional, social, and psychosocial. One of the impacts of blindness is experiencing limitations in their mobility orientation abilities, making it difficult to move to a place. Improving the mobility orientation ability of blind children requires learning in recognizing an environment. One of the teacher's efforts is providing orientation and mobility lessons with basic concepts through the trailling technique. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method type, the techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study found out the difficulties experienced by teachers in implementing mobility orientation learning, namely when carrying out activities outside the school must have more than one mentor so that the implementation can be directed. Recommendations for teachers always evaluate learning by watching when the learning process takes place. Efforts made by teachers when overcoming difficulties require more than one mentor so that implementation can be well-directed. Recommendations for schools to include teachers in training - training organized by the agency or other institutions to add insight and equip infrastructure so that children can learn optimally.

Keywords: Visually Impaired, Orientation, Mobility, Trailling Technique ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

Founders of the journal

I.M. Sechenov

For Authors