History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Decorating Flip Flops Skills for Children with Intellectual Disability Grade Xi in Slb Az-Zakiyah Bandung

Eka Yuli Astuti
Azizah Fitri M
Dinda Sekar A.P.O
Mira Dwi A
Sarah Silvi R


Vocational skills for children with an intellectual disability are aimed at training the potential that the child has to develop optimally.  Although children with intellectual disability have barriers to intellectual abilities, it is important to have the skills to be able to live independently in society. Vocational skills are expected if this child with a mild intellectual disability has already graduated from school and can get support to enter the field of work. This research aims to compile a program of skills decorating flip flops for students with mild intellectual disability of grade XI. The method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection uses interview techniques, documentation studies, observations, and validation. This research was carried out in 3 steps: 1) analysis of the needs, i.e., a program of skills decorating flip flops using beads in school based on the reasons in the school there is no such program and see the ability of students to enable to learn the skills to decorate sandals, 2) preparation of a program that refers to the aspects of rough motor, fine motor, academic, and social interaction. 3) validation of the program through a focus group discussion that provides input to improve the program so that the program is declared suitable and suitable for student learning needs. Functional assessment of students’ abilities is carried out in the first stage,e which includes aspects: 1) ability to hold objects, 2) ability to coordinate eyes and hands, 3) disability of hand movements, 4) walking, 5) verbal communication, 6) non-verbal communications, 7) ability to social interaction with the environment, 8) recognizing shape and color, and 9) simple counting. The program is designed to include activities: 1) to know the tools and materials, 2) to implement the measures to decorate the flip flops, and 3) to maintain the results of the activity.

Keywords: decorating, vocational skills, children with intellectual disability ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

Founders of the journal

I.M. Sechenov

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