History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

The Influence of Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Placement of Employees on the Performance of the Lavie Baby House Company in Bandung

Dr. Darwin Nahwan SE, MSi
Kuyrinus Oliberto R
M Samsul M. K.


Improving employee performance can be done through human resource planning, recruitment and placement of employees in accordance with education and skills. With the condition of the development of the business world that has increased significantly, it must go hand in hand with improving employee performance based on a good human resource planning, recruitment and job placement process. Based on this phenomenon, there are still many companies that have not properly paid attention to regulations and standards in the process of human resource planning, recruitment, and placement of correct and appropriate work, so that it has a negative and unfavorable impact on employee performance in a company.

This study aims to analyze the effect of human resource planning, recruitment, and placement on employee performance at the Lavie Baby House company. Data analysis is carried out using multiple linear regression methods, reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multicollinearity tests, autocorrelation tests, normality tests, heteroscedatistas tests, and leanirity tests and the method used to collect data is by distributing questionnaires to 60 employees of the Lavie Baby House company. Based on the results of the analysis obtained at the Lavie Baby House company, the overall value of Human Resource Planning is in the good category with a value of 77.19% of employees stating that they understand the job description given, appropriate knowledge and background and mastery of technology at work as a supporting facility, development and innovation at work. In addition, the recruitment process received a good category from respondents of 77.38% who stated that in the recruitment process prospective employees went through the process of being summoned by the company as a stage in the recruitment process. From other results, it can also be concluded that the majority of respondents feel that in the implementation of the recruitment process, information dissemination is known through social media or mass media and find out information on vacant positions in the company through job advertisements and the recruitment process is open to the public. For the analysis of employee placement, it also gets a good category from respondents with a value of 79.66%. which states that in the process of job placement employees are familiar with the work and work equipment provided by the company, the implementation of the employee placement process in the company which has been adjusted to their respective experiences, skills possessed, and position placement in accordance with their educational background so that it can be concluded that the placement of employees is fulfilled with the culture and standards of the Lavie Baby House company. The results showed that human resource planning, recruitment, and placement have a positive and significant influence partially on the performance of Lavie Baby House company employees.

Keywords: HR planning, recruitment, placement, performance ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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