History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

The Influence of Competence, Work Discipline, and Workload on Employee Performance at the Netting (Production) Department of Pt. Indoneptune Net Manufacturing In Bandung

Juju Zuhriatusobah
Asda Arnas Syafri
Dewi Nurhayati
Rizal Hakim
Yayang Aldi Ardiyansyah


  1. Indoneptune Net Manufacturing is one of the companies engaged in the manufacturing industry of fishing nets or nets, where the resulting performance has decreased or has not yet reached the target. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Competence, Work Discipline, and Workload on Employee Performance in the Netting (Production) department of PT. Indoneptune Net Manufacturing in Bandung. This study uses descriptive quantitative methods by obtaining data through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The population in this study is the Netting (Production) department of PT. Indoneptune Net Manufacturing in Bandung. The population and samples taken were 80 employees. The data analysis technique uses a statistical application in the form of SPSS 25. The results of the descriptive analysis are that the Competence variable, Work Discipline variable, Workload variable, and Employee Performance variable have a Very High average value. Then the results of the partial significant test (t Test) for the Competence variable is 0,00, the Work Discipline variable is 0,00, and the Workload variable is 0,01 where the sig value is less than 0,05 meaning (H1) is accepted, so the conclusion is Competence, Work Discipline, and Workload have a significant influence on Employee Performance, and the results of a simultaneous significant test (F Test) are 0,00 where 0,00 < 0,05 meaning (H1) is accepted, so the conclusion is Competence, Work Discipline, and Workload have a significant influence on Employee Performance, and the results of the coefficient of determination test (Adjust R Square) of 64,7 % Employee Performance variables are influenced by Competence, Work Discipline, and Workload variables the remaining 35,3 % are influenced by variables others that are not included in this study such as Leadership Style, Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and others.

Keywords: Competence, Work Discipline, Workload, and Employee Performance ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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