History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Management of Internalization of the Value of Local Wisdom in Improving the Character of Students (Case Study at Pesantren Darul Muttaqien and Al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Bogor)

iti Aminah
Sofyan Sauri
Teti Ratnawulan
Ahmad Sukandar


This study discusses the management of internalizing the value of local wisdom in improving the character of students. The background  of the research is still the low cultural value of local wisdom, the decline in morality values derived from the value of local wisdom, threats to the sustainability of a generation.  There  is a discrepancy with the purpose of national education to educate the nation's life and develop the whole person, a human being who believes and is devoted to God Almighty and has noble ethics. The purpose of this study is to get an in-depth picture  of the management of fostering the value of local wisdom and the character of students, including: planning, organizing, implementing, evaluating, obstacles and solutions. The theory that is very in line with this study is the management theory of G. R. Terry clarifying management functions in four parts, namely: Planing, Organizing, Actuating, Controling (POAC). The approach used qualitative studies with descriptive methods of analysis with data collection techniques directly from informants in the field data sources interviews, observations and documentation studies. Conclusion The results of this study show  that the fostering of internalization of the value of local wisdom in improving the character of students has not been maximized and optimal so that it continues to be refined in accordance with the expectations of the community and the institution itself. Thereare problems with human resources, facilities and infrastructure, learning methods, lack of student absorption, students outside the cottage have a bad influence on students who live in the cottage. The implications of planning, organizing, implementing, evaluating, obstacles and solutions have an impact on the development of the vision, mission, goals of the institution so that it affects the character of students. Recommendations  Leaders of pesantren  or schools plan training to improve the competence of teachers / ustad, place proportional and professional positions, implementation pays attention to resources to be effective and efficient, evaluation pays attention to results so that character building programs increase, ustad improves competence, work is based on sincerity, creative and innovative, the government supports and makes regulations in favor of pesantren, students classify values The  value of local wisdom in everyday life, because the value of local wisdom of pesantren becomes a concept that is created and maintained, that is, the value of strengthening faith, because this faith underlies all human behavior that is preserved from waking up to going back to sleep.

Keywords: Coaching Management, Local Wisdom Value, Character Education ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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