History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Learning Management of Project Based Learning in Entrepreneurial Behavior of Vocational School Students

Valentina Purnama Dewi
Sofyan Sauri
Teti Ratnawulan


The general objective is to get an overview, describe and analyze essential things in improving the quality of SMK schools in DKI through "PjBL Management in Vocational Student Entrepreneurial Behavior." This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The theological foundation in this research is QS. Adz-Dzariyat verse 56. The philosophical basis used in this dissertation is the philosophy of Reconstructionism. This school is a further elaboration of the flow of progressivism, the management theory of G. R Terry, PjBL from Goodman and Stivers, and the theory of entrepreneurship from Harvey Leibenstein. While the policy in Government Regulation Number 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards (SNP) implicitly graduates (SMK) are expected to meet competency standards that reflect their abilities in terms of attitudes, knowledge, and skills. The results of the planning research found that the PjBL management in Vocational School Student Entrepreneurial Behavior applied by the two SMK schools was a combination of theory and practical classes. PjBL and entrepreneurial behavior are carried out through vocational learning. Organizing, the curricula of the two Jakarta Vocational Schools are structured according to industry needs. Implementation of PjBL. application in Entrepreneurial Behavior of Vocational School Students in the field has not been carried out optimally. However, students still show a professional and disciplined attitude. Evaluation of SMK students generally gets a warning for disciplinary action. Deficiencies and practical learning during activities in the field are generally discussed between fellow teachers or with managerial parties. PjBL Problems in Entrepreneurial Behavior Vocational School Students lack land, because the land for farming is limited. PjBL Solutions in Entrepreneurial Behavior of Vocational School Students, the government must add more land for students to practice in the field. In general, the results of research on entrepreneurship-based PjBL learning management in the context of building student entrepreneurial behavior at Jakarta Vocational Schools. From the results of the analysis it was found that the aspects of planning, organizing, implementing, evaluating, constraints and solutions have been going well. Research product learning management model PjBL model in entrepreneurial behavior of SMK students in DKI Jakarta

Keywords: PjBL, Behavior, Entrepreneurship, Students ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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