History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Management of Strengthening Character Education in Improving the Noble Character of Elementary School Students (Descriptive Study at SDN 1 Pacet Cianjur and SDN Cipanas Sukabumi)

Asep Suryaatmaja
Iim Wasliman
Nandang Koswara


This study aims to obtain information on the application of Character Education Strengthening (PPK) management at an early age in elementary schools (SD) in terms of: (1) Planning, (2) Organizing, (3) Implementation, (4) Evaluation, (5) Problems, (6) Solutions, (7) The impact of KDP management in improving the noble character of elementary school students. Character education has a strategic role in the personal formation of students. Thus, KDP must be done as early as possible so that children are able to instill good character and can carry it into adulthood so that a noble moral person is formed based on theological, physical, ethical, aesthetic, logical, and teleological values. The theory used is from Terry (2019) and Lickona (2020) through a qualitative approach with an analytical descriptive study method. Data collection is done through observation, interview, and documentation techniques. From the results of the research conducted, it was obtained that, planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating KDP has led to conformity, but there is still a gap between theory and implementation in the field, so researchers found a problem internally, namely the role of teachers who have not been maximized in implementing this KDP program and are still much oriented towards teaching cognitive material. Then the problem from an external point of view is the lack of optimal communication management of the school with parents and the community about KDP, where the role of parents and the community has not been effective in supporting the KDP movement in shaping the noble morals of students, so solutions are needed on how teachers in educating can align the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains integrated in each subject. The school is also expected to intensively and programmatically cooperate and coordinate with parents and the community in socializing KDP, where education is the responsibility of the government, parents and the community, so it is hoped that this KDP program will have an effective impact in improving the noble morals of students, both morals towards religion, teachers, others, and parents. Conclusion: Management of strengthening character education in improving the noble character of students in two loci, namely SDN 1 Pacet Cianjur and SDN 1 Cipanas Sukabumi has been running in accordance with the principles of character education and the system of life values although there are still obstacles from internal and external factors, namely the lack of maximum roles of teachers, parents and the community.

Keywords: Management; Reinforcement Education Character; Morals Nobleness; students. ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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