History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Preparation of Ecoprint Bag Skill Program Made from Calico for Children with Mild Intellectual Disability Class Viii at Slb Bc Nike Ardila Ypwn Bandung City

Teti Ratnawulan
Gianti Puspa Widhy
Ismiarti Yuniar
Salwa Lutfiah Ghulbany Nurqonitah
Yuridul Magfiroh Hermawan


Skills are proficiency that a person has that gained from learning through science and practice to become a developed and better human being. Children with needs, one of which is children with intellectual disabilities, have the right to learn skills that are in accordance with the obstacles and abilities they have. Children with intellectual disabilities are children with average intelligence conditions, therefore children with intellectual disabilities can be given simple skills and children with intellectual disabilities need simple learning so that the material provided can be understood, one of which is the ecoprint bag skills program. The first step in the ecoprint bag skill program is to compile a grid of ecoprint bag skill program instruments in the form of tables and contain several aspects, namely competency standards, basic competencies and indicators of competency achievement which are then validated to teachers in two different schools. The implementation of activities begins with getting to know the tools and materials, then the manufacturing process then maintaining the tools, materials, and results. The last stage is evaluation, to find out the successes and shortcomings of the implementation of the ecoprint bag making skills program. This research is qualitative descriptive research. The data collection techniques used observation, interviews, documentation, FGD and validation. The results showed that the calico ecoprint bag skill program for children with mild intellectual disability at SLB BC Nike Ardila YPWN with 2 children with mild intellectual disability could run well and efficiently with good results. This study is recommended for children, teachers, and future researchers in order to help improve the skills and creativity of children with mild intellectual disability so that it can become a superior program in schools and can be used as a guideline and reference so that it can be developed again in wider research with better and more innovative techniques.

Keywords: Preparation, Program, Skill, Ecoprint Bag, Mild Intellectual Disability. ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

Founders of the journal

I.M. Sechenov

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