History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Preparation of Adaptive Physical Education Learning Program on Volleyball for Class X Children With Mild Intellectual Disability In Slb Abcd Muhammadiyah Ciparay Bandung Regency

Lilis Suwandari
Roni Misbah
Uum Umar Nawawi
Rizki Akbar Fauzi
Innayah Assegaf


Adaptive education programs are an important step in improving their quality of life. Children with special needs both physically and socially thus the children get benefit from it the sport, in this case, volleyball. The purpose of this study is to develop a learning program. The research used descriptive methods and qualitative approaches. Data collection was conducted through observation, interviews, FGDs and validation. Data collection is carried out throughout the course of the study, to understand learning needs. The results showed that children with intellectual disabilities at SLB ABCD Muhammadiyah Ciparay had a strong interest in volleyball, but the program did not exist even though volleyball had been implemented. Based on these findings, researchers developed an adaptive learning program that encourages the use of visual, interactive, and sustainable learning tools to increase children's understanding and participation in sports activities that is reinforced by validation from two different schools resulting in a program that is worth using. Recommendations are directed to school administrators and teachers to develop more inclusive learning programs for children with intellectual disabilities, especially in the context of sports.

Keywords: Preparation of physical education learning program, volleyball, children with intellectual disability ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

Founders of the journal

I.M. Sechenov

For Authors