History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Academician V.F. Zelenin: mysteries of the scientist’s fate and of his beginnings

V.I. Borodulin1, A.V. Topolyansky2, K.A. Pashkov2, O.R. Parenkova2, S.V. Dronova2

1National Research Institute of Public Health at the Russian Academy of Medical Science, Moscow;

2A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

The authors of the article on the basis of literary and archival materials restore scientific biography of academician V.F. Zelenin. This topic is free of clichés and distortions, usual for anniversary works. There is f reminiscent a documentary history of the forgotten State higher medical school and founded by him Medico-biological Institute in the article. On the huge historiographical material authors reveal the formation of domestic electrocardiography and clarify the role of the V.F. Zelenina in “the doctors case”.

Keywords: history of medicine, cardiology, V.F. Zelenin, The State Higher School of Medicine, Medico-biological Institute, electrocardiography, «doctors case»


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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