Effect of storage on the quality evaluating parameters of Apis mellifera and Apis cerana honey from Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Moisture, Acidity, HMF, Proline, , Proline and Total Phenol, DiastateAbstract
Honey as a sweet ingredient that is produced by bees. The freshness, quality and storage of honey is of great importance for consumers demand. The current research was aims to determine the storage effect of quality parameters in Apis cerana and Apis mellifera honey. A total of 200 fresh honey samples of honey bee species were directly collected from bee keepers in different areas of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. At initial phase of physicochemical parameters determined for A.mellifera and A.cerana are Color 12-95, 30-80 mmPfund, Moisture 14, 13.5%, pH 3, 3.7, EC 0.1, 0.018mS/cm, Free acidity 28.5, 15.6meq/kg, Lactone 4, 3.81meq/kg, Total acidity 37.5, 25.72meq/kg, Ash 0.05, 0%, HMF 10.08, 5.88mg/kg, Proline 153.84, 189.44mg/kg, Diastase 11.1, 18.23DN, Invertase 9.08, 17.5IN and Total phenol 43.2, 16.92mgGA/100g respectively. After one year storage, Darking in color (19, 43mmPfund), increased in moisture content (17.2, 15%), pH (4.2, 3.8), EC (0.24, 0.03-mS/cm), FA (39.5, 26.6meq/kg), LA (8, 5.02meq /kg), TA (51.5, 41.06meq/kg), ash (0.2, 0%), HMF (56.3, 23.08mg/kg) and TP (74, 42.81mgGA/100g). While decreased in Proline (40.38, 155.31mg/kg), DI (2.2, 8.18DN) and IN (2.2, 7.48IN). The former and later values belong to A.mellifera and A.cerana honeys. Results indicated that the moisture, ash content, total acidity, HMF, proline and invertase number in A.mellifera and A.cerana are quite different and can be used as indicator to distinguished honeys of these two honey bee species. Over all, it was concluded that the effect of storage on A.cerana honey was minimum as compared Apis mellifera honey and is more recommend and fit for human consumption.
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